Monday, June 19, 2017

DVD Receives a Positive Review!

I'm very pleased the Midwest Book Review gave a positive review of my DVD, "Tai Chi for Body and Mind Fitness":

"Hosted by traditional Yang style Tai Chi instructor Pat Akers, Tai Chi for Body and Mind Fitness is a DVD designed for both beginner and advanced students of the art. Featuring step-by-step instructions, front and rear demonstrations of every tai chi movement, advice for improved balance and posture, tips especially for individuals with physical limitations, and more, Tai Chi for Body and Mind Fitness is an excellent addition to fitness DVD collections and a great way to learn Tai Chi for benefits in health and mental focus. Highly recommended! 2 DVDs, 283 min."

Clips from my DVD are on YouTube!

I'm happy to announce we now have a YouTube channel with 8 short video clips
from my instructional DVD, "Tai Chi for Body and Mind Fitness"
Here's the link:
You can view these clips on a computer, cell phone or any TV set with streaming device like Roku.  

I​t would be much appreciated if you would "like" the channel and/or leave a comment about the videos. (Note, please don't leave personal messages or notes to me.)  You have to create an account and log in to in order to leave a "like" or comment.  Here is some information about this:

Link on how to "like" a Youtube video
Link on how to post a comment on Youtube