Sunday, July 21, 2024

Standing Comfortably or Wuji/"Empty Stance"

Most of us are not comfortable standing for any length of time. We shift our weight from side to side; dropping into a leg with the hip jutting out to the side. We fold our arms or clasp our hands in front or in back of us. Eventually, we seek out a chair that probably doesn't provide good back support. Then, we are uncomfortable sitting. Lower back problems are common in Western cultures.

While standing for hours at a time is not recommended, it is important to be comfortable standing. Keep these tips in mind to "stand comfortably":
  • Have a slight release in the backs of knees and front of hips.
  • Feel your weight "sink" into your lower body.
  • Feel a lightness in your upper body; a lengthening in your spine, as if you are being gently lifted from the crown of your head.
  • Align head over shoulders and shoulders over hips.
  • Relax your shoulders. 
  • Quiet your "monkey mind" (a state of restlessness and lack of control of one's thoughts).
  • Let your mind rest on your breath.
  • Observe your breath without changing it. Stand and breathe.
  • Stand for as long as you are comfortable. This is the most powerful qi gong, bringing your body back to its natural state of balance and ease.